Last Thursday, we started out going over the previous week’s sentences as usual. Then we talked transports, as you described how to get here from your work place. We then started doing an exercise using the imperfect (with questions/answers — see below for what we have done). We will finish next week! Read More…
On Wednesday, we first looked over Week 4’s vocabulary in French. We then had a listen at the beginning of the song by La Grande Sophie. After that, we started correcting the homework, using the drawings – alibis, alibis!! And then we discussed some of the things you did when you were younger.
1)Explain the vocabulary in French
3) One minute talk: tell us about something silly you did at school (so you’ll have to use the perfect tense as this is a specific event)
Last Thursday, we started out with the previous week’s sentences. Then we practised the future a bit more with your plans for this year. After that, we talked transports, and we did a quick brainstorming session about directions Read More…
On Wednesday, we first looked over Week 3’s vocabulary in French. Then you described your best friend. We then quickly revised the imperfect. Read More…