• French meetup: every Tuesday in the Queen’s Arms, French/English exchange. Every second Wednesday, pub meet-up.
This group is suitable for people who have already a substantial knowledge of French, but wish to improve on their fluency.
This course will focus mainly on conversational skills, and you can expect the lessons to be conducted in French (though, on occasion, I might use English to quickly explain a finer grammar point!).
Various themes will be explored, thanks to different means: articles from the internet or from the French press will help gather vocabulary that will prove extremely useful for discussion, and, although grammar will not be formally explored, we will look at those aspects that you feel less confident about.
The course will help you feel more confident whilst discussing a number of topics that come up in conversation with friends, or with colleagues.
I will integrate short film extracts, as well as other cultural elements, in order to improve your fluency and develop more understanding of more colloquial French.
We will also explore trickier grammar points, such as the subjunctive, personal pronouns and relative pronouns.
Contact Lise today to check if this is the right class for you: Free 30 minutes assessment of your present level!
Classes start on the 11 of October 2010 and will last for 10 weeks, until the middle of December.
The fees include documents used in class, as well as a selection of tea/coffee/herbal teas.
Minimum number of students: 4
Maximum number of students: 8
For more information and for a free assessment of your level to determine if this is the right group for you, contact Lise at or on (0131) 557 27 34.
Lise is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
Tuesdays 10-11.30am – £100 for 10 weeks (15 hours)
This group is suitable for people who have already a substantial knowledge of French, but wish to improve on their fluency.
This course will focus mainly on conversational skills, and you can expect the lessons to be conducted in French (though, on occasion, I might use English to quickly explain a finer grammar point!).
Various themes will be explored, thanks to different means: articles from the internet or form the French press will help gather vocabulary that will prove extremely useful for discussion, and, although grammar will not be formally explored, we will look at those aspects that you feel less confident about.
The course will help you feel more confident whilst discussing a number of topics that come up in conversation with friends, or with colleagues.
I will integrate some film extracts in order to improve your fluency and develop further your understanding of more colloquial French, as well as other cultural elements.
Contact Lise today to check if this is the right class for you: Free 30 minutes assessment of your present level!
Classes start on the 11 of October 2010 and will last for 10 weeks, until the middle of December.
The fees include documents used in class, as well as a selection of tea/coffee/herbal teas.
Minimum number of students: 4
Maximum number of students: 8
For more information and for a free assessment of your level to determine if this is the right group for you, contact Lise at or on (0131) 557 27 34.
Lise is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
You have studied French at basic level and you are ready to start talking! This is the course for you: thanks to carefully designed exercises, your communicating skills will improve.
You can expect to learn more about the past and future tenses, whilst consolidating what you have already acquired.
We will be following a specific training programme, but this does not mean this will be definite and fixed: for me, it is important to follow the group’s needs, and adapt the course to your needs, rather than to what I have planned originally!
By the end of the course, you will have increased confidence with speaking and will be able to cope well with basic conversation, and you will be able to handle short newspaper articles etc…
Contact Lise today to check if this is the right class for you: Free 30 minutes assessment of your present level!
Classes start on the 11 of October 2010 and will last for 10 weeks, until the middle of December.
The fees include documents used in class, as well as a selection of tea/coffee/herbal teas.
Minimum number of students: 4
Maximum number of students: 8
For more information and for a free assessment of your level to determine if this is the right group for you, contact Lise at or on (0131) 557 27 34.
Lise is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
Wednesdays, 6-7.30pm – £100 for 10 weeks (15 hours)
This group is suitable for people who have studied French at school or in evening classes.
You will need to have studied the present, past and conditional tenses in French, have notions about the subjunctive and pronouns, and should already have a substantial vocabulary.
Primarily an activity-based course, with elements to allow the students to become more autonomous, it will allow you to start holding a real French conversation, whilst revising the basics to enable you to feel at ease in every day situations.
We will be revising all tenses: present, past, conditional and the subjunctive. We will also practise more complexe structures (cause, consequence, purpose…) through further activities and conversational games.
Contact Lise today to check if this is the right class for you: Free 30 minutes assessment of your present level!
Classes start on the 11 of October 2010 and will last for 10 weeks, until the middle of December.
The fees include documents used in class, as well as a selection of tea/coffee/herbal teas.
Minimum number of students: 4
Maximum number of students: 8
For more information and for a free assessment of your level to determine if this is the right group for you, contact Lise at or on (0131) 557 27 34.
Lise is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists