Reflexive verbs, present tense
These are used when you are talking about things you do to yourself, for instance, when you brush your teeth, or when you get dressed.
Se lever | je me lève | I get up |
Se doucher | tu te douches | You have a shower |
S’habiller | il s’habille | He gets dressed |
Se brosser les dents | elle se brosse les dents | She brushes her teeth |
Se raser | on se rase | We have a shave |
Se changer | nous nous changeons | We get changed |
Se préparer | vous vous préparez | You get ready |
Se brosser les cheveux | ils se brossent les cheveux | They brush their hair |
Se coucher | elles se couchent | They go to bed |
Listen to those verbs:
You can also find out more about reflexive verbs here. (includes some audio)