Thursday 6pm: Summary #3

Cours du jeudi 18h: Résumé #3

Last Thursday, we started out by checking last week’s new vocabulary. Then you told me about some of your plans/ new year resolutions – we will continue next week – I felt it was a good exercise, if slightly repetitive. Otherwise, we talked about where you go shopping: local shops, supermarket etc. And we had a look at the beginning of the song Comme d’habitude (the French version of My Way) which was great to check out those pesky reflexive verbs.

1) Bring your remaining sentences using the future: we will have a look at some next week.
2) 1 minute talk about what transports you use, when and why. (use only the present tense: this is about learning transportation vocab)
3) Read the sentences below and make sure you know what they mean in English ( can be really useful as an online dictionary!) + read through the examples of reflexive verbs


Terry verra sa mère tous les dimanches.
Cette année, Lindsay apprendra la langue française.
Craig ira camper pendant l’été.
Emily suivra un cours d’archéologie pendant les vacances d’été.
Sammy courra un marathon.
Jill fera de la randonnée pour faire de l’exercice.
Kamila pour accroître ses compétences.
Scott ira en France en avril.

Reflexive verbs

These are used when you are talking about things you do to yourself, for instance, when you brush your teeth, or when you get dressed.

Se lever je me lève I get up
Se doucher tu te douches You have a shower
S’habiller il s’habille He gets dressed
Se brosser les dents elle se brosse les dents She brushes her teeth
Se raser on se rase We have a shave
Se changer nous nous changeons We get changed
Se préparer vous vous préparez You get ready
Se brosser les cheveux ils se brossent les cheveux They brush their hair
Se coucher elles se couchent They go to bed

Listen to those verbs:

You can also find out more about reflexive verbs here. (includes some audio)

French language classes in Edinburgh
Learn French with Lise Morel T/A Premiere Classe